Transformative: Top 10 Jobs Ai Will Replace

Want to Know How Top 10 Jobs AI will replace? Jobs might be at risk as ChatGPT and similar technologies advance. Here are the top 10 roles that AI is most likely to replace.

The workplace is undergoing rapid transformation due to the swift advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AI), automating tasks and processes that were previously considered exclusive to human capabilities. Although AI brings forth new opportunities across various fields, it also poses a potential threat of displacing workers in specific occupations.

We have gathered a list of 10 jobs that experts believe could face disruption from AI tools such as ChatGPT

List of Top 10 Jobs AI will replace

  1. Tech Jobs
  2. Media Jobs
  3. Legal Industry Jobs
  4. Market Research Analysts
  5. Teacher
  6. Finance Jobs
  7. Traders
  8. Graphic Designer
  9. Accountants
  10. Customer Service Agents

Let’s Talk about the top 10 jobs that are most likely to be replaced by AI in the near future

Since its debut in November of the preceding year, ChatGPT by OpenAI has proven its versatility in tasks ranging from crafting cover letters to generating content for a children’s book. Its capabilities even extend to assisting students in composing essays.

The chatbot’s potential appears to surpass initial expectations, as per Google’s assessment. The search engine giant concluded that, theoretically, ChatGPT could qualify for an entry-level coding position if subjected to an interview at the company.

In evaluations conducted by Amazon employees, ChatGPT demonstrated commendable performance in various areas. It was deemed to excel in responding to customer support inquiries, exhibiting proficiency in creating training documents, and showcasing strong capabilities in addressing queries related to corporate strategy.

The impact of AI on the job market is becoming evident, with companies like IBM and British telecommunications leader BT Group attributing job cuts to the integration of AI. They suggest that a significant portion of these job reductions may be permanent.

While a 2013 University of Oxford study initially estimated that 47% of US jobs could be eliminated by AI in the next two decades, recent findings from a Goldman Sachs study suggest a different perspective. Generative AI tools are now projected to impact around 300 million full-time jobs globally, potentially causing a “significant disruption” in the job market.

However, Anu Madgavkar, a partner at the McKinsey Global Institute, emphasized the importance of applying human judgment to these technologies to prevent errors and biases. Users of ChatGPT have reported instances where the bot generated misinformation, provided incorrect answers to coding problems, and made errors in basic math.

Madgavkar highlighted the need to view these technologies as tools that enhance productivity rather than serving as complete replacements. In considering the evolving landscape, experts consulted by Insider and subsequent research have identified certain jobs that are particularly vulnerable to being replaced by AI.

Tech jobs (Coders, computer programmers, software engineers, data analysts)

AI has the potential to displace coders, software developers, and data analysts, according to an expert

Coding and computer programming skills are highly sought after, but there is a possibility that in the near future, ChatGPT and similar AI tools could play a role in addressing some of the demand.

According to Anu Madgavkar, who is a partner at the McKinsey Global Institute, tech jobs such as software developers, web developers, computer programmers, coders, and data scientists are particularly susceptible to AI technologies displacing a significant portion of their work. This is due to AI’s proficiency in accurately processing numerical data.

In fact, advanced AI technologies like ChatGPT have the potential to generate code at a faster pace than humans, leading to the completion of tasks with fewer employees, as noted by Mark Muro, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institute specializing in AI’s impact on the American workforce.

Some tech companies, including OpenAI, the creator of ChatGPT, are already contemplating the replacement of software engineers with AI. However, Oded Netzer, a professor at Columbia Business School, holds a more optimistic view, suggesting that AI is more likely to enhance the capabilities of coders rather than entirely replace them. He emphasizes that coding and programming, in particular, exemplify a scenario where AI can proficiently write code while working in tandem with human coders.

Media jobs (advertising, content creation, technical writing, journalism)

According to experts, AI such as ChatGPT excels in generating written content and can accomplish this task “more efficiently than humans.

Jobs in the media sector, spanning areas such as advertising, technical writing, journalism, and any role involving content creation, could face impact from ChatGPT and comparable AI technologies, according to Madgavkar. This is attributed to AI’s proficiency in reading, writing, and comprehending text-based data.

Madgavkar noted, “The ability to analyze and interpret extensive amounts of language-based data and information is a capability one would expect generative AI technologies to enhance.”

Economist Paul Krugman, in a New York Times op-ed, suggested that ChatGPT might perform tasks like reporting and writing “more efficiently than humans.”

The media industry is already exploring AI-generated content. CNET, a tech news site, employed a ChatGPT-like AI tool to generate numerous articles, albeit with the necessity of issuing several corrections. Additionally, BuzzFeed utilized technology from the creator of ChatGPT to produce novel content formats such as quizzes and travel guides.

Madgavkar, however, emphasized that a significant portion of the work carried out by content creators is not automatable, stating, “There’s a considerable amount of human judgment involved in each of these occupations.”

Legal industry jobs (paralegals, legal assistants)

AI can handle some paralegal tasks, but experts say full replacement isn’t possible

According to a recent report from Goldman Sachs, generative AI is likely to impact legal professionals in the United States. This is due to the relatively small size of the legal services job market, which has already been significantly exposed to AI automation prior to the emergence of new AI tools, as explained by Manav Raj, one of the authors of the Goldman study, in an interview with Insider.

Similar to roles in the media industry, positions within the legal sector, such as paralegals and legal assistants, involve the consumption of substantial amounts of information. These professionals then synthesize their findings and present them in a comprehensible manner through legal briefs or opinions. Madgavkar noted that roles heavily reliant on language, like those in the legal field, are susceptible to automation.

“The data is actually quite structured, very language-oriented, and therefore quite amenable to generative AI,” she added.

However, complete automation of these jobs is unlikely, as human judgment is still required to understand the nuanced preferences of clients or employers.

“It’s almost like a productivity boost that some of these occupations might get, because you can use tools that actually do this better,” Madgavkar remarked.

Market research analysts

An expert warns that AI could significantly impact market research analysts.

AI excels in data analysis and outcome prediction, noted Muro. This susceptibility to AI-driven change could impact market research analysts. These professionals gather data, pinpoint trends, and leverage their findings to formulate impactful marketing strategies or determine optimal advertising placements.

Muro highlighted, “These are tasks we are now observing that AI has the potential to handle.”


Teachers, too, face potential job disruptions from AI.

Teachers nationwide express concern about students potentially using ChatGPT to cheat on their assignments. However, Pengcheng Shi, an associate dean in the Department of Computing and Information Sciences at the Rochester Institute of Technology, suggests that educators should also consider the implications for their job security.

According to Shi, ChatGPT already has the capability to effectively conduct classes. Despite existing bugs and inaccuracies in its knowledge base, he believes these issues can be easily addressed through training.

Contrastingly, Shannon Ahern, a high school math and science teacher utilizing ChatGPT for tasks like lesson planning, remains unconcerned about being replaced by technology. She emphasizes the enduring need for human educators and the unique interpersonal connections fostered through in-person instruction.

Finance jobs (Financial analysts, personal financial advisors)

Finance industry workers may face AI-driven job risks, warns an expert

Similar to market research analysts, financial analysts, personal financial advisors, and other professions in personal finance that involve extensive manipulation of numerical data may face the impact of AI, as noted by Muro, the researcher at The Brookings Institute.

Muro explained, “AI can discern market trends, highlight portfolio performance, communicate this information, and utilize various data sources, such as those available to financial companies, to predict an improved investment mix.”

While these analysts earn substantial incomes, Muro pointed out that certain aspects of their roles are susceptible to automation.


Traders operate on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange in New York City.

ChatGPT, experts say, has the potential to disrupt jobs across various Wall Street sectors, including trading and investment banking.

Dylan Roberts, a partner at KPMG, noted, “It’s going to automate select tasks that knowledge workers are engaged in today so that they can focus on higher-value tasks.”

Pengcheng Shi, a dean at the Rochester Institute of Technology’s computer science department, concurs that specific roles on Wall Street could be at risk, stating, “At an investment bank, people are hired out of college, and spend two, three years working like robots and doing Excel modeling — tasks that AI can handle.”

Graphic designers

AI has many graphic design abilities. 

In a Harvard Business Review post from December, three professors highlighted DALL-E, an AI tool capable of generating images rapidly, as a potential disruptor in the graphic design industry.

They emphasized the profound economic impact of upskilling millions of individuals in image creation and manipulation, acknowledging that the recent advancements in AI could bring about challenges and economic difficulties for those directly affected by job displacement.

However, Dr. Carl Benedikt Frey, an economist at Oxford University, shared with Insider that AI tools like ChatGPT might aid workers in “creative” industries such as art and graphic design in producing higher quality work. Frey expressed more concern about the potential impact on wages, stating, “In my view, it’s less about automation and more about democratization and competition, potentially leading to lower wages for people in some of these professions.”


Experts warn that accountants could face job risks due to ChatGPT.

While accounting is generally considered a stable profession, even professionals in this industry may face potential risks.

Brett Caraway, an associate professor at the Institute of Communication, Culture, Information, and Technology at the University of Toronto, discussed on Global News Radio 640 Toronto in January that while technology hasn’t displaced everyone from their jobs, it has impacted certain individuals. Caraway highlighted the vulnerability of “intellectual labor,” which includes professions like lawyers and accountants.

“This could be lawyers, accountants,” he noted. The emergence of such technological advancements is novel, and Caraway expressed curiosity about the disruptive and potentially challenging effects it could have on employment and politics.

Customer service agents

AI could lead to job losses for customer support specialists, according to experts.

“You might have encountered the scenario of reaching out to a company’s customer service, only to be greeted by a robotic voice or chatbot. The prevalence of technologies like ChatGPT suggests that this trend could persist.

According to a study conducted in 2022 by the tech research firm Gartner, it is anticipated that chatbots will serve as the primary customer service channel for approximately 25% of companies by the year 2027.”

More About AI: Top 10 AI Chatbots


In conclusion, the rapid advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AI) presents both opportunities and challenges in the job market. While AI enhances productivity in various fields, it also raises concerns about potential job displacement.

Tech jobs, media roles, legal industry positions, market research analysts, teachers, finance professionals, graphic designers, accountants, and customer service agents are identified as vulnerable to AI automation.

Despite these changes, experts emphasize the importance of viewing AI as a tool to enhance human capabilities rather than a complete replacement. The evolving landscape calls for careful consideration and ongoing human judgment in the integration of these technologies.


  • Which jobs are most likely to be replaced by AI in the near future?

The top 10 jobs susceptible to AI replacement include Tech Jobs, Media Jobs, Legal Industry Jobs, Market Research Analysts, Teachers, Finance Jobs, Traders, Graphic Designers, Accountants, and Customer Service Agents.

  • How does AI, particularly ChatGPT, pose a threat to certain jobs?

  • AI, like ChatGPT, poses a threat by automating tasks traditionally performed by humans, potentially displacing workers in specific occupations, especially those involving data processing, language comprehension, and repetitive tasks.
  • What role does ChatGPT play in job automation?

ChatGPT, developed by OpenAI, has shown versatility in tasks ranging from content creation to assisting students in composing essays. It has the potential to automate mid-career, mid-ability work, raising concerns about its impact on specific job roles.

  • How did Google assess ChatGPT’s capabilities in a professional setting?

Google concluded that ChatGPT could theoretically qualify for an entry-level coding position based on its performance in tasks such as creating training documents, responding to customer support inquiries, and addressing queries related to corporate strategy.

  • What are the potential consequences of AI integration in the job market?

The integration of AI, as observed in companies like IBM and BT Group, has led to job cuts. Some experts suggest that a significant portion of these job reductions may be permanent, indicating the transformative impact of AI on employment.

  • What do studies say about the impact of AI on the job market?

While a 2013 University of Oxford study initially estimated a significant job loss due to AI, recent findings from a Goldman Sachs study suggest that generative AI tools may impact around 300 million full-time jobs globally, causing a “significant disruption.”

  • How do experts emphasize the importance of human judgment in AI integration?

Experts, including Anu Madgavkar from the McKinsey Global Institute, highlight the need for human judgment in overseeing AI technologies to prevent errors and biases. AI is considered a tool to enhance human capabilities, not a complete replacement.

  • Are certain industries more vulnerable to AI automation?

Yes, industries such as tech, media, legal, finance, and customer service are identified as vulnerable to AI automation due to the potential of AI to perform tasks related to data processing, content creation, and customer support.

  • Can AI enhance certain professions rather than replace them?

Some experts, like Oded Netzer from Columbia Business School, suggest that AI, including ChatGPT, is more likely to enhance the capabilities of professions like coding and programming rather than entirely replace them.

  • How can individuals in vulnerable industries prepare for AI advancements?

Individuals in vulnerable industries should consider staying updated on industry trends, upskilling in areas where human expertise is crucial, and adapting to new technologies to remain competitive in the evolving job market.

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